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Using human pluripotent stem cell-based models to study glia-associated biology in neurological diseases

About the Project

Affiliation: Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine

Study program: Ph.D. program Biomedical Sciences 

Specialization: Cell and Tissue Morphology 

Workplace: Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine

Neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and stroke have elusive molecular mechanisms that hinder effective treatment. Stem cell-based models have offered new insights into the regulatory loops involved in these diseases, yet substantial research remains to be conducted. Our laboratory has recently implemented a method for the derivation of cerebral organoids from human pluripotent stem cells. Using this model, as well as other relevant differentiation strategies, we are currently testing hypothetical mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis using patients’ derived pluripotent stem cells. Using this model, as well as other relevant differentiation strategies, we are currently testing hypothetical mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis using patients’ derived pluripotent stem cells. To address this gap, we will use human pluripotent stem cells and establish a system for their efficient differentiation into glial cell types, including astrocytes or microglia. Our goal is to optimize both 2D and 3D models that incorporate both glial cells and neurons. Our goal is to optimize both 2D and 3D models that incorporate both glial cells and neurons. Subsequently, we will use these tools to model a specific neurological disease (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, stroke).  We will then investigate glial biology and how it becomes dysregulated under diseased conditions. We will then investigate glial biology and how it becomes dysregulated under diseased conditions. 


  • MSc degree from molecular biology/cell biology or related field 
  • Practical experience in the laboratory for at least 3 years 
  • Active user of English language

Funding Notes

Current Funding 
Funding agency: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR 
Programový rámec / typ projektu Národní plán obnovy 
Podprogram 5.1 EXCELES 
Grant Number: LX22NPO5107 
Dates: 01/2021-12/2023 
CoPI: Dasa Bohaciakova, Ph.D. 
Institution: Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic